Tuesday, January 26, 2010

At Last

...it's almost 5 o'clock, and I'm finally creating a blog for "23 Things for Archivists". Yea, me.

It wasn't until I clicked on Blogspot that I realized, I'd been participating in two Blogs at work; and, the last posting on each was in the far, distant past...sort of like the collection I tripped over to get to my computer. That's what kind of a day it's been. Hence, the title of my blog: Open Another Box, Pandora (and unlease the evils of the world...or chaos?)

By tomorrow, I'll be ready to tackle this. And, unleash a much more interesting first post

Almost Five O'Clock

One week later, and I'm still trying to figure out why my blog won't work. It's not as if I haven't tried...I've even read the directions. THIS IS A TEST. THIS IS A TEST.

If this doesn't work, back to the drawing board and getting up to speed on the next 21 Things. Talk about getting behind before you get started.

It is Ground Hog Day, though, so I shouldn't be surprised, right?