Thursday, February 18, 2010

And the weeks are flying by...

Tomorrow, we're celebrating Digital Day at Canisius College. The Archives has been working to get posters ready for electronic signs, finding replacement batteries for a digital camera that seems always to be returned battery-less, and setting up a computer that will showcase our online and digital collections .

I'm finding myself thinking of 23 Things...a lot. What surprises me is that I know more about the 23 Things than I thought I did. Just need to practice more.

Before work this morning I uploaded a slew of photos, and now I am trying to "find" them. There here someplace...little steps

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

23 Things ...I wish I could do better.

I really am out here --trying. For years, I've felt like I'm racing against the computer...and trying to keep up with new things. Frustration. So, quite honestly, I welcomed the 23 Things for Archivists RAO program. Ready to embrace so many more new things because of it.

The curse ---it couldn't have come at a worse time.

Like most of you, there are far too many things on my plate. This workshop is supposed to be my way to relax and "professionally develop". I even marked it on my Google calendar (scheduled myself in twice a day to work on these tasks). That worked well, didn't it?

Last week brought the crash of the Access Database supposedly designed as our "Search the Archives" catalog. Nice try. I inherited it along with some funky descriptions that provide anything other than access to anything. My colleague, Nancy and I (there are only two of us, and Nancy works part-time) are exploring a cataloging options, and I'd welcome suggestions.

Archon is in the lead, and for some things PastPerfect. A combination of the two might get us where we need to be. We do use ContentDM, and I would also welcome comments from those suffering through another CDM upgrade. We are a hosted site, but outsource the digitizing of our newspapers. Planning the yearbooks and catalogues, too. Vendors??

I am intent on having at least one or two chats on Meebo today.

I managed to sign up for Meebo, but haven't used it yet. I've subscribed to a few RSS feeds, including SAA, my favorite professional organization, The Irish Times,my favorite newspaper, The Families of Flight 3407